- Sight Screening & Conservation Chairperson Lion David Millard -> mailto:vdg1.obfuscated.a15lions@org
- Procedure for Eyeglass Shipping(PDF), updated Jan 2021
- Vision Awareness Campaign - Ontario Blind Golf (
From Royal City Lions:
Our Lions club is once again preparing to sort and count the many used eyeglasses and lens that we have collected over the past several months and wanted to reach out to all clubs to ask that if you have any please arrange to drop them off to one of our members or to the address below by Saturday Nov. 4. We are planning to do our sorting on that date from 9 to noon.
We also would love to have any other club's members join us for this event to see how it is done and enjoy some fellowship together. If you or any members are interested please reach out to us for the location.
If you happen to have any prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses or lenses on hand you wish to get rid of, please reach out to us as we plan to hold our Eyeglass Recycling/Packing Day on Saturday, October 1st at Lion Chief Carl Swanson and Lion Dawn's home.
Please feel free to drop off any eyeglasses or lenses to Lion Chief Carl Swanson's office, Complete Tax, 226 Speedvale Avenue W., Guelph during business hours, M-F, 9am to 4pm. Or feel free to give LC Carl a call 519-827-5338. Thanks so much, have a great Lions Year in service.
Guelph Royal City Lions Club Chief
Lion Dawn Elliott
"We Serve"
- Hearing & Speech Action Chairperson DG George Corrin -> mailto:dg.obfuscated.a15lions@org
![]() [Click on the poster image for larger pDF] | Lions - Please review and consider helping out this important event/program!
Regards, Dave Millard - Sight Conservation and Vison Screening Chair Greetings Fellow Lions,
I have attached two documents for your review. They will explain to you the objectives and needs of the Ontario Blind Golf and introduce you to a great golfer who is Visually Impaired [image to left]. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Please note that "Ontario Visually Impaired Golfers, Charitable Registration #13998 3852 RR0001, will be reverting back to our original name, Ontario Blind Golf, in the coming weeks. If you are considering supporting the blind golf community in Ontario, please make your cheque payable to Ontario Visually Impaired Golfers. It can be mailed to our Treasurer at 16095 Sideroad 18A, RR3, Sunderland, Ontario, L0C 1H0. If you would like a charitable receipt, please let us know, and provide an address we can send a receipt to."
Cheers, Lion Andy Etherington, PDG Cumberland Lions Club District A4 Vision Chair 613-220-3304'' Email PDG Andy -> |
Eyeglass Collection
Hi Lions and LEOS:
If you happen to have any prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses or lenses on hand you wish to get rid of, please reach out to us as we plan to hold our Eyeglass Recycling/Packing Day on Saturday, October 1st, 2022 at Lion Chief Carl Swanson and Lion Dawn’s home.
Please feel free to drop off any eyeglasses or lenses to Lion Chief Carl Swanson’s office, Complete Tax, 226 Speedvale Avenue W., Guelph during business hours, M-F, 9am to 4pm. Or feel free to give LC Carl a call 519-827-5338. Thanks so much, have a great Lions Year in service.
Guelph Royal City Lions Club Secretary
Lion V Charlene Dwyer
"We Serve"
Message from Chair of the Board, MDA Homes for Deaf People:
My fellow Lions
The Board of Directors for Lions Homes for Deaf People and myself would like to congratulate you on getting through the last two years with all the restrictions we had because of Covid. We hope you and all your family made it through healthy and safe.
We realize the hard time our clubs had in meeting and fundraising. We were able to do some service projects but many clubs were completely shut down. It is so nice to see my fellow lions meeting and enjoying each other’s company. Now that we can once again fund raiser I ask you to remember Lions Homes for Deaf People.
If you have someone in your club or community that you would like to honor there is no more beautiful award then the Helen Keller Fellowship. At $500 Canadian it is one of the most affordable awards that a Lion can receive. If your club can not afford the cost of a HKF you can still help by donating any amount $100 or even $50. All the work that LHDP do is because of Lions clubs like yours. We are 100% funded by Lions Clubs donations and your purchases of Helen Keller Fellowships.
Our new project of funding a modular home for a person that is deaf/blind for $100,000 can only be done with your support. Go to our web site and find out more about LHDP and how to order a HKF:
Yours in service
Lion Zoltan Dohar
Chairman of the Board Lions Homes for Deaf People
District A-15 - Accessibility Committee Mission Statement | ![]() |
(Shamelessly purloined from District A-16) | |
"Our mission is to promote Lionism by ensuring that it is accessible to everyone by removing barriers for those who face visible and none-visible challenges and by creating a culture of inclusion and acceptance." |
I Can Hear!! Video |