2024/2025 District Convention | ||
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"Make Your Mark" |
April 4, 5 & 6 2025
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"Western" Theme |
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Hi Lions
Get ready to leave your mark and make memories that will last a lifetime! The 2024-25 District A15 Convention is just around the corner, happening April 4-6, 2025.
Theme: Western Fun
Dress Code: Dust off your cowboy hats and boots - it’s time to bring the wild west to life!
We've got a lineup of inspiring sessions, great fellowship, and exciting activities that you won't want to miss.
Details: To register and book your hotel room, check out the attached flyer or visit the Convention page on the District A15 website for all the info you need.
Let's saddle up and make this convention the best one yet! Can't wait to see you there!
Warm regards,
Garry Ransom
District A15 IPDG
PS Please make sure all Club members know!
Howdy again Partners!
Just roundin' up a few updates for the convention, straight from the trail.
The Quality Inn and Conference Centre Festival has done gone and changed their name to the Rodeway Inn. Don't get your saddles in a twist though - nothin' else has changed, just the name on the sign.
Me and DG Bill moseyed on over to meet with them chuck wagon cooks yesterday, and I can guarantee you won't ride away with an empty belly. Those vittles are gonna be plentiful! The deadline for orderin' your grub is March 28 - mark it on your calendar. If you've already registered but didn't order any meals and now you're hankerin' for some, ain't no problem at all. Just gallop on over to the district website, click them registration boxes that apply and check off the meals you're wantin'. Remember, pardners - last chance to get your name on the chuck wagon list is March 28. If you run into any trouble along the trail, just holler at 519-835-3170.
We're mighty excited to powwow with y'all at the convention April 4-6.
Happy trails 'til then!
Co-Convention Trail Boss
PS Secretaries...please round up your posse and pass this message along the trail to all your club members. Thanks
How to Plan a District Convention
- from Lions Clubs International
The simple event-planning process outlined below will assist your team in hosting an amazing convention for the Lions of your district. Work with the District Governor Team, which handles the district business required to be completed at convention: resolutions, reports and elections, as well as recognizing the accomplishments of the Lions and clubs in the district.
Convention planning includes these components: People, Preparation, Planning, Program, and Promotion
The documents and sample forms provided below are in a format which you can easily adjust to meet your district's specific needs. Many of these tools came from districts that already hold successful conventions each year.
PEOPLE: The Convention Committee
There are two main groups; the Business Team and the Production Team. Below are suggested job descriptions to help you build your team. One person may fill more than one position.
The Business Team
- The Convention Chairperson (DA-CNV JDCC) - serves as the District Governor's operations officer for the convention.
- District Governor (DA-CNV JDDG) - the specific role as a member of the convention committee is to be the presiding officer of the business meeting, provides recognition to district Lions and hosts guest speakers and presenters.
- Finance Chairperson (DA-CNV JDFC) - manages the budget and works with the rest of the team to keep finances on track and in order; from managing registration to final reporting.
- Host Committee Chairperson (DA-CNV JDHCC) - leads and manages the group of local Lions eager to welcome the rest of the Lions to their home and provides ready volunteers for the event.
- Marketing and Communications Chairperson (DA-CNV JDMCC) - This Lion plans and executes a promotional plan, event signage and the convention guide booklet.
- Program Chairperson (DA-CNV JDPC) - leads the Production Team to handle the logistics of every program function, from the opening reception to the closing key-note speech.
The Production Team
The Production Team is led by the Convention Program Chair, who works closely with the business team to provide the best speakers, entertainers and fellowship events. The Host Committee also works closely with this team or works directly in these positions to cover the logistical aspects of all functions.
- Plenary and Business Sessions Coordinator - assists the logistics of the large group sessions featuring guest and key-note speakers. Works directly with the district governor to ensure that the business of the district, resolutions and elections occur according to international and district policy.
- Break-Out Sessions and Seminar Coordinator - brings relevant workshops to the Lions in a small-group setting.
- Banquet/Meal and Entertainment Events Coordinator - coordinates menus and meals with a purpose, whether social, recognition or celebratory. Works closely with the host committee to bring great local talent to entertain the district Lions.
- Audio Video Coordinator and Data Specialist - leads the special effects team including lighting, sound, video and media presentations to add pizazz to all functions. Also serves as the computer/technical support for convention staff and assists guest speakers with presentations.
- Fundraising and Service Project Coordinator - ensures that fundraising is "fun" raising
- Companion Program Coordinator - plans fun activities or side trips for the families and companions of the Lions, which may be offsite.
PREPARE the Convention Team
Gather information to serve as a directional compass to a successful event. Get feedback from both attendees and non-attendees of previous conventions.
Suggested surveys:
- District Convention Questionnaire (DA-CNV DCQ) - for those who attended
- Non Attendee Questionnaire (DA-CNV NAQ) - for those who did not attend
The responses and insights provided by the Lions of the district may provide the team an opportunity to brainstorm on new ideas for the convention program and logistics.
- How Can We Brainstorm? (DA-CNV HCWB)
- Brainstorm Topics (DA-CNV BT)
Provide a Relevant PROGRAM for the Lions
Work closely with the district governor team to create a program that is relevant to the Lions of the district. Inspire Lions to go back to their communities energized to provide needed community service, improve their own personal leadership skills, and share Lionism with other fellow community leaders.
From the goals set by the committee for your program, start the planning process with the tips and tools provided below.
PLAN an Amazing Convention Event!
Your team is formed and ready to go and your district Lions have let you know what they are seeking to gain by attending the district convention. The business and production teams need a master plan; a timeline to keep priorities in place including a budget, and a task list to assist each chairperson, coordinator manage their accountabilities.
The tools below are suggested templates to help you get started. Pick and choose areas where you would like to focus.
Convention Chairperson
- Convention Committee Contact List (DA-CNV CCCL)
- Tips for Successful Committee Meetings (DA-CNV TSCM)
- Sample Timeline of Key Benchmarks (DA-CNV TKB)
- Sample Master Event Schedule (DA-CNV MES)
- Certificate of Insurance
District Governor Business Session/Election Team
- District Election Guidelines
- District Constitution and By-Laws
- International Constitution and By-Laws
- Speaker Request Notification Form
Finance Chair (and Registration)
- Tips for the Finance Chair (DA-CNV TFC)
- Planning the Convention Budget (DA-CNV PCB)
- Sample Convention Budget (DA-CNV CB)
- Convention Registrant Information (DA-CNV CRI)
- Certificate of Insurance
Host Committee Chair and Host Committee
- Host Committee Roles and Responsibilities (DA-CNV HCRR)
- Tips for the Host Committee (DA-CNV THC)
- Working with a Convention and Visitors Bureau (DA-CNV WCVB)
Program Team Tools
- Presenter Information Sheet (DA-CNV SPIS)
- Speaker Tracking Form (DA-CNV STF)
- How to Find Great Speakers (DA-CNV HFGS)
- Tips for Break-Out Sessions (DA-CNV TBOS)
- Session Evaluation Form (DA-CNV SEF)
- PowerPoint template for volunteer presentations
- Eco-friendly template for volunteer presentations
Audio/Visual Tools
- Tips for the Audio/Visual Team (DA-CNV TAVT)
PROMOTE the Event
Marketing/Communications Tools
- Tips for Event Promotion (DA-CNV TEP)
- Promote Your International Officer's Visit (PR 752)
- Play Videos from Lions News Network
- Lions Public Relations Guide
- The International Visitor, a Hosting and Protocol Guide (PR 768)