Leadership resources
- Leadership Seminars website
- GLT Toolbox at LCI
- District A-15 Officer Nomination form (fillable PDF)
- District A-15 Officer Nomination form (Word docx)
A-1 is offering the Guiding Lion course to those who are interested in becoming a Guiding Lion. They are letting A-15 join in on the opportunity, Please consider.
Training will take place on:
November 4, 2023
9:00 am to 4 pm
HiMark Occupational Skills Training Centre
2520 Trafalgar Street
London, ON
RSVP by October 27, 2023
Guiding Lion Workbook
Above is a workbook which you should work through prior to November 4th to be familiar with the materials which will be discussed and will help ensure that we finish the day in a timely fashion.
If you are interested in attending the Certified Guiding Lion Program please contact Lion Bill Robinson -> mailto:vdg1.obfuscated.a15lions@org by email. Space is limited so please respond as soon as possible to guarantee your seat.
VDG Bill Robinson
The Multiple District “A” Nominations Committee is pleased to announce that Dan Sibanda, PDG, has been duly endorsed by his respective sub-District and is therefore qualified to represent Multiple District “A” as a candidate for International Director from Canada.
The candidates’ name shall be presented to the delegates at the 2024 Multiple District “A” Convention scheduled for May 31st to June 2nd in St. Catharines, Ontario.
Dan Armstrong, PCC Chairperson
MD “A” Nominations Committee
Marjorie Lewis Secretary
Multiple District “A”
August 13, 2023
Apply Now to Attend a Leadership Development Institute
LCI provides many leadership development opportunities for current and future Lions leaders. Take advantage of the training offered at the following Institutes:
- Emerging Lions Leadership for developing club-level leaders;
- Advanced Lions Leadership for preparing district-level leaders; and
- Faculty Development Institute for experienced Lions faculty.
All institute schedules are now posted, and many applications are available online.
- Visit the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute page
- Advanced Leadership Institute, Barrie March 26, 2021 - Information and Application
- Visit the Advanced Leadership Institute page
- Contact the Leadership and Development department -> mailto:leadershipdevelopment.obfuscated.lionsclubs@org for more information.
Additional Leadership Training Resources
The SWOT Process in District A-15 |
Click on Image to Download Presentation (PDF) |
Click on Image to Download (PDF) |